In 1977, as a two pack a day smoker, I began running to kick the habit. I had always been athletic as a child and teenager so it was a natural progression. Since then my work as a musician has taken me to many countries. I am on average a 200km a month runner give or take a mile or two, and have run 7 marathons of which I have completed 5 - being 2 in France and 3 in South Africa. So I'm pretty much Mr. Average Jogger. So far, I've been mostly injury free except for the usual aches and pains.
Working at sea over the last few years, I use my daily jog to explore the towns, cities, villages and sometimes just jungle along the way. I will try to share my experiences, top runs, not-so-top runs, aches and pains, good gear, bad gear- in other words what works for me and what doesn't!